How to decorate your home interiors with these plants

When it comes to interior design ideas, plants play a pivotal role in uplifting and elevating the entire decor’s aesthetics. From adding a touch of nature to purifying the air, to being the statement pieces within a room they’re indispensable. Whether you’re a seasoned green-thumb enthusiast or just beginning to explore the wonders of botanical decor, integrating plants into your home interiors can create a transformative and enchanting ambiance.

In this blog, we’ll discover how you can elevate every corner of your home with the magic of plant decor.

Entrance & Foyer

Set the tone for your home by greening up your entrance and foyer. Welcome guests with a vibrant array of plants such as a tall, graceful snake plant or an assortment of short plants or succulents placed on a chest of drawers. Set the tone for your home by greening up your entrance and foyer. Welcome guests with a vibrant array of plants such as a tall, graceful snake plant or a colorful assortment of succulents arranged in decorative pots.


Living Room

Transform your living room into a lush oasis by strategically placing plants in various corners. A statement Fiddle Leaf Fig (Ficus lyrata) adds height, and drama and can add glamor to the room. Place these plants in huge ceramic or cane planter to add that element of luxury or rustic appeal to the room depending on your persona.

Utilize the corners of your living room by installing ceiling-mounted hooks or brackets to suspend hanging planters. Cascading plants like the String of Pearls or the Spider Plant can gracefully trail down, softening angular lines and adding a touch of whimsy to the room. Planting these in dainty metallic planters can add a touch of glam to your living room.



Bring life to your culinary space with aromatic herbs like Basil, Rosemary, or Mint. Place them in decorative pots on your kitchen countertops or windowsills, providing fresh ingredients for your culinary adventures. These herbs thrive in bright, indirect light and require regular watering. They thrive in well-drained soil and need regular watering. However, overwatering can lead to root rot.

Adding a money plant to your kitchen decor can liven the atmosphere almost instantly. Its vine structure makes it suitable for hanging pots or countertops. It’s a very low-maintenance plant that grows in low-light conditions.



Plants can add a touch of nature and tranquility to the bedroom, promoting relaxation and improving air quality. When selecting plants for the bedroom, consider their ability to thrive in low light conditions and their air-purifying qualities. Note that you don’t have to go overboard while placing them in the bedroom, and be mindful in selecting plants because most of the plants also intake oxygen at night.

Try planting an Areka palm to beautify your sleeping den. It provides a tropical ambiance and helps to purify the air. You can put it in a ceramic or a jute bag planter to make it look aesthetically pleasing. Another example could be a Peace Lily, with its elegant white flowers and glossy green leaves, the peace lily adds a touch of beauty to any bedroom. It effectively eliminates toxins from the air. These plants are relatively low maintenance and beneficial to add to your home decor.


Study or Home Office

Boost productivity and creativity with air-purifying plants like Rubber Plant (Ficus elastic) or ZZ plant. Place them on your desk or shelves to create a refreshing workspace. These plants thrive in moderate to bright light and require regular watering. These can be planted in earthen pots or small metallic planters to glam up the space.

You can also place small succulents, such as Echeveria, Haworthia, or Jade plants. These are compact and come in a variety of shapes and colors. They require minimal watering and can thrive in bright, indirect light, making them perfect for desks near windows. Dust these plants regularly to keep them clean and prim.



For me, bathroom is a place where you relax and rejuvenate yourself. It makes us feel alive and fresh after taking a good bath. For having an ultimate bathing experience, head to my guide about the best products to surround ourselves in the shower with.

To create a spa-like experience in your bathroom, you can add a Snake Plant that is known for its air-purifying qualities, it thrives in low light and high humidity, making it an excellent choice for bathrooms. To add to the list, Philodendrons are easy to care for and can thrive in similar environments, thus being ideal for bathrooms as well. For the bathroom, going for all-white, neutral, or pastel-shade planters would be soothing for the entire aesthetic appeal.


So, as you can see how incorporating plants into your home interiors is more than just a design choice; it’s a lifestyle statement. I hope you have already created a plant wishlist and will be taking a trip to visit a nursery soon to bring these babies home. Note that plants some care and tending to keep them alive and thrive. Show them love and care.

Happy transforming your home into an aesthetic space!!! Let me know which other plants can also be added to accentuate your home.